We've seen a lot of new faces lately

You've no doubt seen our banner flown at many events, and some of you have been given our website but you still had that look on your face that said you've got a lot of follow-up questions about the team.  If you need to get in touch with our team's head honchos, feel free to contact us!

See you all at Savage Race this weekend!

The Florida Savage Race is upon us!  Be sure to look for our tent in the festival area to socialize, run with some of our heavy stuff or score yourself some sweet Regiment swag!  Look for the tent with our giant flag on it and come say hi!

Team Regiment at Ruck Across America

GORUCK is doing something awesome called Ruck Across America.  In this long relay event, 'deuce' (the name of the 30lb ruck) will be rucked across every state in the US.  Team Regiment Elites Sarah, Heidi and Leslie were fortunate enough to contribute to the long trek during the east coast Florida leg of the route.  Not only that, they represented the red R along the way!  Excellent work everyone!

10 started, 10 finished

In what was expected to last 15 hours, the Mt. Dora class CRUSHED it in only 13 hours!  Most time hacks and performance standards were blown out of the water, and some long lasting memories were forged!  For a timeline of the activities that happened that night, be sure to check them out in the T3 Live Updates page.

It's time...

Ladies and gentlemen, the T3 is upon us.  Starting at 7:02am tomorrow, our Live Updates page will be delivering out photos and text updates of the adventures of the Mt. Dora Mayhem class!  Hope to see you there!

Winter Agoge - Congratulations to Regiment Elite Matt Dolitsky!

Over the weekend while most of us were enjoying a nice warm weekend at Warrior Dash, our good ol' pal Matt Dolitsky managed to conquer the Winter Agoge!  After 60 hours of sub-freezing temperatures in the Vermont wilderness, he learned an array of skills that will no doubt guide him in both his athletic ambitions as well as his life ambitions.  

Our elites astonish us every day :) 

Hello to everyone we met at Warrior Dash!

Warrior dash was a blast!  Thanks to everyone who showed up to represent the big red R, including some of our elites that ran multiple laps and even one elite that LUNGED the entire course over the span of 7.5 hours!  

If you were one of the many who got our card, you can ask whatever questions you'd like about our training meetups and events over at our Facebook group page.  Just request an invite and we'll get you in!

T3 mandatory gear list

Still interested in doing the T3?  There's still time.  To those already attending, the mandatory gear list has been posted this time on the live updates page, and not via the traditional email route.  The group has been quiet as of late, and the prediction is that at least two will bow out of the event before it even begins in less than two weeks.  Will that prediction hold up?  You'll know soon enough...

T3 perks revealed!

So far, 11 people have completed their registration for the T3.  If you haven't jumped into the arena yet, it's not too late.  Today, the good and bad perks have been revealed.  These can be unlocked (good ones) or removed (bad ones) by spending the points that the team has accumulated as a whole during the pre-game challenges that they have been diligently following in our live updates page.

Introduction to Lap 0 of the T3

Through the next month or so, we will be giving short little snippets of what kind of general things to expect in each lap.  Though we don't want to give away all of the secrets of what you'd be facing at a T3, it's always nice to have an idea.  First up... Lap 0.  The water PT.

Challenge 1