
Reciting their quotes from memory. Neil joined them in the water. Flutter kicks incoming! End? Or fake-out? 


What happens next

Almost done. 

Ojce they get to the checkpoint, they're going into the surf to explain who they are and why they're here. They must recite their quote card. 


Do it right or do it again.  


Atter that, they do the give team 15 to heat themselves up.  

Tag time

1 tag = barefoot

2 tag = lose a strap

3 tag = casualty

There are no four tags. 


Numbers and tags

Several missed their second set of numbers, so those people had to sit in the water and add an orange tag. Everyone with tags is now asked to remove shoes, socks, and hairties


Puzzle Time!

The team is following whistle signals and practicing following instructions while one teammate assembles an egg puzzle. ss


Time to go over people's quotes.

People are going over their quotes now and why it's important. Then they hand in their card to the instructor. Hope they remember it...

Because they gotta receite it towards the end of the lap.